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    Use "be able to cope with" em uma frase

    be able to cope with frases de exemplo

    be able to cope with

    1. will she be able to cope without someone to bring in money

    2. He’d have preferred it if she was seeing too many boys, at least he would be able to cope with that

    3. sure I was going to be able to cope with it

    4. Steve was an experienced woodsman but wouldn’t be able to cope with the cold if he was out there overnight

    5. They both said that they were just so happy to have each other, that this unfortunate circumstance in their lives, they would be able to cope with

    6. order to be able to cope with what lies ahead

    7. We all prayed that the older she got, the more she would be able to cope with the differences that often left her unable to communicate properly

    8. living hell? Would I be able to cope with that? Would mum be able to

    9. “They just get severe, but you should be able to cope with that, since

    10. I knew that I should be able to cope without him, but

    11. This worked wonders to improve her resiliency and be able to cope with uncertainties and difficulties

    12. She didn’t seem to be able to cope with white hair

    13. In the case of girls they must be able to cope with recipes

    14. They did not think they would be able to cope with the Lords and the Sirs

    15. "Will I be able to cope with what I have to

    16. Corrigan began, “Abby only told us the basic how to instructions to operate the ship, fearing that if she told us too much we would not be able to cope with the complexities and make a mistake

    17. " "This sort of thing" being that uneasy, painful feeling, something like selfishness--one wishes almost that the thing would stop--it is getting more and more beyond what is possible-- "If it goes on much longer I shan't be able to cope with it--but if some one else were seeing it at the same time--Bonamy is stuffed in his room in Lincoln's Inn--oh, I say, damn it all, I say,"--the sight of Hymettus, Pentelicus, Lycabettus on one side, and the sea on the other, as one stands in the Parthenon at sunset, the sky pink feathered, the plain all colours, the marble tawny in one's eyes, is thus oppressive

    18. She passed me the salt, and muttered, under her breath, ‘You know, you won’t be able to cope with this, as well as …’

    19. So if Nahrmahn’s little brainstorm about fire control works out anywhere near as well as he keeps assuring us it will, we ought to be able to cope with anything the Temple Boys come up with over the winter

    20. It was possible, if not likely, the Professor urged, that the Count might appear in Piccadilly during the day, and that if so we might be able to cope with him then and there

    21. For every ship which we employed on our coasts, he said, any foreign nation must incur a double expense to be able to cope with us

    22. Were it even in our power to build a navy which should be able to cope with her, no man who has any regard for the happiness of the people of this country would venture to advise such a measure

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